IECL: Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine
BP 70239
54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
antoine.lemenant (at)
Bureau 320

I am now Professor at Lorraine University (Nancy, France). Before that I was Maître de conférences at University Paris 7 from 2010 to 2018, and before again I was postdoc at centro De Giorgi (Pisa) in 2009-2010. I did my thesis in Orsay with Guy David (defended in 2008). I started my mathematical studies in New Caledonia, from where I came.
I am member of the IUF (institut universitaire de France) from october 2023.
Call for a postoc position
You will find here an offer for a postdoc position under my supervision, starting from september 2024. The deadline for applying is 31th january.